Form 17

FORM 17( Sections 698 and 705)

Warrant for Witness


Province of ,

(territorial division).

To the peace officers in the (territorial division):

Whereas A.B. of , has been charged that (state offence as in the information);

And Whereas it has been made to appear that E.F. of , hereinafter called the witness, is likely to give material evidence for (the prosecution or the defence) and that

Insert whichever of the following is appropriate:

(a) the said E.F. will not attend unless compelled to do so;

(b) the said E.F. is evading service of a subpoena;

(c) the said E.F. was duly served with a subpoena and has neglected (to attend at the time and place appointed therein or to remain in attendance);

(d) the said E.F. was bound by a recognizance to attend and give evidence and has neglected (to attend or to remain in attendance).

This is therefore to command you, in Her Majesty’s name, to arrest and bring the witness forthwith before (set out court or justice) to be dealt with in accordance with section 706 of the Criminal Code.

Dated this  day of  A.D. , at  .

A Justice or Clerk of the Court

(Seal, if required)