Form 20

FORM 20 

(Section 545)

Warrant of Committal of Witness for Refusing to Be Sworn or to Give Evidence


Province of  ,

(territorial division).

To the peace officers in the (territorial division):

Whereas A.‍B. of  , in this warrant called the accused, has been charged that (set out offence as in the information);

And whereas E.‍F. of  , in this warrant called the witness, attending before me (or if the signatory is not the justice, before the justice) to give evidence for (the prosecution or the defence) concerning the charge against the accused (refused to be sworn or being duly sworn as a witness refused to answer certain questions concerning the charge that were put to them or refused or failed to produce the following writings, namely  or refused to sign their deposition) having been ordered to do so, without offering any just excuse for that refusal or failure;

This is therefore to direct you, in Her Majesty’s name, to arrest, if necessary, and take the witness and convey them safely to the prison at  , and there deliver them to the keeper of it, together with the following precept:

You, the keeper, are directed to receive the witness into your custody in the prison and safely keep them there for the term of   days, unless they sooner consent to do what was required of them, and for so doing this is a sufficient warrant.

Dated (date) , at  (place).

(Signature of justice or clerk of the court