Form 24

FORM 24 

(Section 550)

Warrant of Committal of Witness for Failure to Enter into Recognizance


Province of  ,

(territorial division).

To the peace officers in the (territorial division) and to the keeper of the (prison) at  :

Whereas A.‍B.‍, in this warrant called the accused, was committed for trial on a charge that (state offence as in the information);

And whereas E.‍F.‍, in this warrant called the witness, having appeared as a witness on the preliminary inquiry into the charge, and being required to enter into a recognizance to appear as a witness on the trial of the accused on the charge, has (failed or refused) to do so;

This is therefore to direct you, in Her Majesty’s name, to arrest, if necessary, and take and safely convey the witness to the (prison) at   and there deliver them to the keeper of it, together with the following precept:

You, the keeper, are directed to receive the witness into your custody in the prison and keep them there safely until the trial of the accused on the charge, unless before that time the witness enters into the recognizance.

Dated (date) , at  (place).

(Signature of justice or clerk of the court)