Form 16

FORM 16 (Section 699)

Subpoena to a Witness


Province of ,

(territorial division).

To E.F., of , (occupation);

Whereas A.B. has been charged that (state offence as in the information), and it has been made to appear that you are likely to give material evidence for (the prosecution or the defence);

This is therefore to command you to attend before (set out court or justice), on  the  day of  A.D. , at  o’clock in the  noon at  to give evidence concerning the said charge.

Where a witness is required to produce anything, add the following:

and to bring with you anything in your possession or under your control that relates to the said charge, and more particularly the following: (specify any documents, objects or other things required).

Dated this  day of  A.D. , at  .

A Judge, Justice or Clerk of the court

(Seal, if required)