
Arrest warrant

83.29 (1) The judge who made the order under subsection 83.28(4), or another judge of the same court, may issue a warrant for the arrest of the person named in the order if the judge is satisfied, on an information in writing and under oath, that the person

(a) is evading service of the order;

(b) is about to abscond; or

(c) did not attend the examination, or did not remain in attendance, as required by the order.

Execution of warrant

(2) The warrant may be executed at any place in Canada by any peace officer having jurisdiction in that place.

Person to be brought before judge

(3) A peace officer who arrests a person in the execution of the warrant shall, without delay, bring the person, or cause them to be brought, before the judge who issued the warrant or another judge of the same court. The judge in question may, to ensure compliance with the order, order that the person be detained in custody or released on recognizance, with or without sureties.

Application of section 707

(4) Section 707 applies, with any necessary modifications, to persons detained in custody under this section.


  • Part II