
Forgery instruments

368.1 Everyone is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 14 years, or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction, who, without lawful authority or excuse, makes, repairs, buys, sells, exports from Canada, imports into Canada or possesses any instrument, device, apparatus, material or thing that they know has been used or know is adapted or intended for use by any person to commit forgery.

Annotations | French

  • Section 368.1


  • The term “possession” is defined in section 4(3).


  • Materials that are “commonplace and freely available for purchase” can still be considered forgery instruments, as long as they are suitable for committing forgery and were used or intended to be used for that purpose (R v Sommani, 2007 BCCA 199 at para 71).