
Stay of order pending appeal

320.‍25 (1) Subject to subsection (2), if an appeal is taken against a conviction or sentence for an offence under any of sections 320.‍13 to 320.‍18, a judge of the court to which the appeal is taken may direct that the prohibition order under section 320.‍24 arising out of the conviction shall, on any conditions that the judge imposes, be stayed pending the final disposition of the appeal or until otherwise ordered by that court.

Appeals to Supreme Court of Canada

(2) In the case of an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, a direction may be made only by a judge of the court from which the appeal was taken.

Effect of conditions

(3) The imposition of conditions on a stay of a prohibition order does not operate to decrease the prohibition period provided in the prohibition order.


  • Enacted 18 December 2018 pursuant to section 15, Bill C-46