
Disclosure of information

320.‍34 (1) In proceedings in respect of an offence under section 320.‍14, the prosecutor shall disclose to the accused, with respect to any samples of breath that the accused provided under section 320.‍28, information sufficient to determine whether the conditions set out in paragraphs 320.‍31(1)‍(a) to (c) have been met, namely:

(a) the results of the system blank tests;

(b) the results of the system calibration checks;

(c) any error or exception messages produced by the approved instrument at the time the samples were taken;

(d) the results of the analysis of the accused’s breath samples; and

(e) a certificate of an analyst stating that the sample of an alcohol standard that is identified in the certificate is suitable for use with an approved instrument.


  • Enacted 18 December 2018 pursuant to section 15, Bill C-46