
Power to make rules respecting case management

482.1 (1) A court referred to in subsection 482(1) or (2) may make rules for case management, including rules

(a) for the determination of any matter that would assist the court in effective and efficient case management;

(b) permitting personnel of the court to deal with administrative matters relating to proceedings out of court if the accused is represented by counsel; and

(c) establishing case management schedules.

Compliance with directions

(2) The parties to a case shall comply with any direction made in accordance with a rule made under subsection (1).

Summons or warrant

(3) If rules are made under subsection (1), a court, justice or judge may issue a summons or warrant to compel the presence of the accused at case management proceedings.

Provisions to apply

(4) Sections 512 and 512.‍3 apply, with any modifications that the circumstances require, to the issuance of a summons or a warrant under subsection (3).

Subsections 482(4) and (5) to apply

(5) Subsections 482(4) and (5) apply, with any modifications that the circumstances require, to rules made under subsection (1)

(6)  [Repealed, 2019, c. 25, s. 187]


  • Part XIV