Record of conviction or order

570 (1) If an accused who is tried under this Part is determined by a judge or provincial court judge to be guilty of an offence on acceptance of a plea of guilty or on a finding of guilt, the judge or provincial court judge, as the case may be, shall endorse the information accordingly and shall sentence the accused or otherwise deal with the accused in the manner authorized by law and, on request by the accused, the prosecutor, a peace officer or any other person, a conviction in Form 35 and a certified copy of it, or an order in Form 36 and a certified copy of it, shall be drawn up and the certified copy shall be delivered to the person making the request.

Acquittal and record of acquittal

(2) If an accused who is tried under this Part is found not guilty of an offence with which the accused is charged, the judge or provincial court judge, as the case may be, shall immediately acquit the accused in respect of that offence, an order in Form 37 shall be drawn up and, on request, a certified copy shall be drawn up and delivered to the accused.

Transmission of record

(3) Where an accused elects to be tried by a provincial court judge under this Part, the provincial court judge shall transmit the written charge, the memorandum of adjudication and the conviction, if any, into such custody as the Attorney General may direct.

Proof of conviction, order or acquittal

(4) A copy of a conviction in Form 35 or of an order in Form 36 or 37, certified by the judge or by the clerk or other proper officer of the court, or by the provincial court judge, as the case may be, or proved to be a true copy, is, on proof of the identity of the person to whom the conviction or order relates, sufficient evidence in any legal proceedings to prove the conviction of that person or the making of the order against that person or his acquittal, as the case may be, for the offence mentioned in the copy of the conviction or order.

Warrant of committal

(5) If an accused other than an organization is convicted, the judge or provincial court judge, as the case may be, shall issue a warrant of committal in Form 21, and section 528 applies in respect of a warrant of committal issued under this subsection.

Admissibility of certified copy

(6) If a warrant of committal is signed by a clerk of a court, a copy of the warrant of committal, certified by the clerk, is admissible in evidence in any proceeding.


  • Part XIX
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