Variation of undertaking on consent

502 (1) The undertaking in respect of which an accused has been released under section 498, 499 or 503 may, with the written consent of the accused and the prosecutor, be varied and the undertaking so varied is deemed to be an undertaking given under section 498, 499 or 503, as the case may be.

Replacement by justice of undertaking with order

(2) The accused or the prosecutor may, in the absence of consent between them, apply to a justice for a release order under subsection 515(1) or (2) to replace an undertaking given by the accused under paragraph 498(1)‍(c), 499(b) or 503(1.‍1)‍(b) with the order. If the prosecutor applies for the order, the prosecutor must provide three days notice to the accused.


  • Part XVI
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