
Obligation to advise police service

490.02911 (1) A person who was convicted of or found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder for an offence outside Canada shall, if the offence is equivalent to one referred to in paragraph (a) of the definition designated offence in subsection 490.011(1), advise a police service within seven days after the day on which they arrive in Canada of that fact and of their name, date of birth, gender and address. They are not required to so advise the police service again unless they are later convicted of or found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder for another such offence.

Change in address

(2) The person shall, if they are in Canada, advise a police service of a change in address within seven days after the day on which the change is made.

Information to be provided to Attorney General

(3) The police service shall cause the Attorney General of the province, or the minister of justice of the territory, in which it is located to be provided with the information.

Obligation ends

(4) A person’s obligation under subsection (2) ends when they are served under section 490.02902 or, if it is earlier, one year after the day on which they advise the police service under subsection (1).


  • Part XV