Proceedings in case of default

771 (1) If an undertaking, release order or recognizance has been endorsed with a certificate and has been received by the clerk of the court,

(a) a judge of the court shall, on the request of the clerk of the court or the Attorney General or counsel acting on the Attorney General’s or counsel’s behalf, as the case may be, fix a time and place for the hearing of an application for the forfeiture of the amount set out in the undertaking, release order or recognizance; and

(b) the clerk of the court shall, not less than 10 days before the time fixed under paragraph (a) for the hearing, send by registered mail, or have served in the manner directed by the court or prescribed by the rules of court, to each principal and surety, at the address set out in the certificate, a notice requiring the person to appear at the time and place fixed by the judge to show cause why the amount set out in the undertaking, release order or recognizance should not be forfeited.

Order of judge

(2) If subsection (1) has been complied with, the judge may, after giving the parties an opportunity to be heard, in the judge’s discretion grant or refuse the application and make any order with respect to the forfeiture of the amount that the judge considers proper.

Judgment debtors of the Crown

(3) If a judge orders forfeiture of the amount set out in the undertaking, release order or recognizance, the principal and their sureties become judgment debtors of the Crown, each in the amount that the judge orders them to pay.

Order may be filed

(3.‍1) An order made under subsection (2) may be filed with the clerk of the superior court and if one is filed, the clerk shall issue a writ of fieri facias in Form 34 and deliver it to the sheriff of each of the territorial divisions in which the principal or any surety resides, carries on business or has property.

Transfer of deposit

(4) If a deposit has been made by a person against whom an order for forfeiture has been made, no writ of fieri facias may be issued, but the amount of the deposit must be transferred by the person who has custody of it to the person who is entitled by law to receive it.


  • Part XXV
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