SCHEDULE TO PART XXII.1(Section 715.3 and subsections 715.32(2) and 715.43(2) and (3))Offences in respect of which a remediation agreement may be entered into

1 An offence under any of the following provisions of this Act:

(a) section 119 or 120 (bribery of officers);

(b) section 121 (frauds on the government);

(c) section 123 (municipal corruption);

(d) section 124 (selling or purchasing office);

(e) section 125 (influencing or negotiating appointments or dealing in offices);

(f) subsection 139(3) (obstructing justice);

(g) section 322 (theft);

(h) section 330 (theft by person required to account);

(i) section 332 (misappropriation of money held under direction);

(j) section 340 (destroying documents of title);

(k) section 341 (fraudulent concealment);

(l) section 354 (property obtained by crime);

(m) section 362 (false pretence or false statement);

(n) section 363 (obtaining execution of valuable security by fraud);

(o) section 366 (forgery);

(p) section 368 (use, trafficking or possession of forged document);

(q) section 375 (obtaining by instrument based on forged document);

(r) section 378 (offences in relation to registers);

(s) section 380 (fraud);

(t) section 382 (fraudulent manipulation of stock exchange transactions);

(u) section 382.1 (prohibited insider trading);

(v) section 383 (gaming in stocks or merchandise);

(w) section 389 (fraudulent disposal of goods on which money advanced);

(x) section 390 (fraudulent receipts under Bank Act);

(y) section 392 (disposal of property to defraud creditors);

(z) section 397 (books and documents);

(z.1) section 400 (false prospectus);

(z.2) section 418 (selling defective stores to Her Majesty); and

(z.3) section 426 (secret commissions).

(z.4) section 462.31 (laundering proceeds of crime).

2 An offence under any of the following provisions of the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act:

a) section 3 (bribing a foreign public official); and

b) section 4 (maintenance or destruction of books and records to facilitate or hide the bribing of a foreign public official).

3 A conspiracy or an attempt to commit, being an accessory after the fact in relation to, or any counselling in relation to, an offence referred to in section 1 or 2.