SCHEDULE [to Part XXVII](Section 840)

Fees and Allowances That May Be Charged by Summary Conviction Courts and Justices

  • 1 Information $ 1.00

  • 2 Summons or warrant $ 0.50

  • 3 Warrant where summons issued in first instance $ 0.30

  • 4 Warrant where summons issued in first instance $ 0.30

  • 5 Each subpoena or warrant to or for witnesses $ 0.30

    (A subpoena may contain any number of names. Only one subpoena may be issued on behalf of a party in any proceeding, unless the summary conviction court or the justice considers it necessary or desirable that more than one subpoena be issued.)

  • 6 Information for warrant for witness and warrant for witness $ 1.00

  • 7 Each necessary copy of subpoena to or warrant for witness $ 0.20

  • 8 Each release order or recognizance $ 1.00

  • 9 Hearing and determining proceeding $ 1.00

  • 10 Where hearing lasts more than two hours $ 2.00

  • 11 Where two or more justices hear and determine a proceeding, each is entitled to the fee authorized by item 9.

  • 12 Each warrant of committal $ 0.50

  • 13 Making up record of conviction or order on request of a party to the proceedings $ 1.00

  • 14 Copy of a writing other than a conviction or order, on request of a party to the proceedings; for each folio of one hundred words $ 0.10

  • 15 Bill of costs, when made out in detail on request of a party to the proceedings $ 0.20

    (Items 14 and 15 may be charged only where there has been an adjudication.)

  • 16 Attending to remand prisoner $ 1.00

  • 17 Attending to make a release order or take a recognizance $ 1.00

Fees and Allowances That May Be Allowed to Peace Officers

  • 18 Arresting a person on a warrant or without a warrant $ 1.50

  • 19 Serving summons or subpoena $ 0.50

  • 20 Mileage to serve summons or subpoena or to make an arrest, both ways, for each mile $ 0.10

    (Where a public conveyance is not used, reasonable costs of transportation may be allowed.)

  • 21 Mileage where service cannot be effected, on proof of a diligent attempt to effect service, each way, for each mile $ 0.10

  • 22 Returning with prisoner after arrest to take him before a summary conviction court or justice at a place different from the place where the peace officer received the warrant to arrest, if the journey is of necessity over a route different from that taken by the peace officer to make the arrest, each way, for each mile $ 0.10

  • 23 Taking a prisoner to prison on remand or committal, each way, for each mile $ 0.10

    (Where a public conveyance is not used, reasonable costs of transportation may be allowed. No charge may be made under this item in respect of a service for which a charge is made under item 22.)

  • 24 Attending summary conviction court or justice on summary conviction proceedings, for each day necessarily employed $ 2.00

    (Not more than $2.00 may be charged under this item in respect of any day notwithstanding the number of proceedings that the peace officer attended on that day before that summary conviction court or justice.)

Fees and Allowances That May Be Allowed to Witnesses

  • 25 Each day attending trial $ 4.00

  • 26 Mileage travelled to attend trial, each way, for each mile $ 0.10

Fees and Allowances That May Be Allowed to Interpreters

  • 27 Each half day attending trial $ 2.50

  • 28 Actual living expenses when away from ordinary place of residence, not to exceed per day $ 10.00

  • 29 Mileage travelled to attend trial, each way, for each mile $ 0.10